Chapter 4 The faoswsForestryCarryForward module
A step right before calculating the aggregates is to Carry-Forward the input data (forestry_prod_trade dataset). This step is paramount while the new data coming from partners and questionnaires do not arrive. Thus, the whole process does not get stuck and the aggregates are calculated.
4.1 Steps
The module is straightforward as it just imputes data by the carry-forward method. The module is smart enough to inform the user in case there is already data for the chosen year or if the year in question is too far from the last available year with data.
4.2 Running the module
Log in the SWS;
Click on New Query;
Select Forestry domain and forestry_prod_trade dataset;
Select whatever geographicAreaM49, measuredElement, measuredItemForestry and timePointYears. After that, run the query;
Click on Run plugin on the top-right;
Select the faoswsForestryCarryForward module, choose the parameter (Year to impute) and click on Run plugin;
7. Wait for the results to appear in the session;
8. Click on Save to dataset.